
Sunday 8 December 2013

Production Roles - Miss Miller

People need to be allocated specific roles so everyone knows what tasks they have to complete. We also need to allocate roles so we know if everything that needs to be carried out is being taken care of by somebody. Specific roles leave less room for production error, as everyone is doing something and no job task has been forgotten to complete.
 The main roles necessary for creating a film is costume/make-up role, producer, editor, actor, director of photography, graphic designer etc.

We decided what each person would be doing by analyzing each group members skills and applying them to the job roles. So it would be easier for each person to complete the tasks. I'm responsible for the graphics and costume/make up, I was assigned this role as I do graphic design in my spare time and know someone that can do the make up. Ellie was assigned as the actor as she's blonde and fits into the typical thriller convention. Ellie was also assigned the role of 'director of photography'. James was given the role of producer and editor because he knows how to use the editing software best. Within my role I have designed the movie logo and font. I have also contacted the make up artist to provide gory make-up on our actor. Ellie has been filming production and has also been practicing her acting role. James has been using the editing software more to get used to the tools it has; To make sure that when It comes to editing It will be completed quickly with less room for error.

In each role everyone completed there tasks to the best of there ability, however, the directing of the film could be better as we found it hard to make time for filming so we were quite hard. Also I kept forgetting to contact the make up artist so we didn't end up using a make-up artist. Instead I planned the costumes better to cover the removal of the make up artist.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a very basic explanation as to what roles were allocated to certain people; however, you have not explained what is involved in each role, or why certain people have been chosen.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Write a sentence for each role explaining what is involved at the start
    2) Write a paragraph for each group member, explaining what roles they have been allocated and WHY they have been chosen over other people
    3) Include a summary explaining how and why you think allocating people these different roles will make your sequence better and production easier and if anything could have been done differently
    4) Explain what each person has done in relation to their roles (have they done it well? has it made production easier?)
    5) Read through and double check spelling/grammar etc.
