
Monday 23 September 2013

Individual Ideas for a narrative - Miss Georgiou

I have thought of a narrative idea for my own thriller clip. I have been inspired by other thriller films I thought were very entertaining to give me ideas in what I should contain in my thriller clip.

When watching clips from films such as Strangers,Scream and SAW. I gathered Inspiration to include in my own thriller clip.For my opening scene I would like to use low-key lighting I was inspired by  SAW 5 for low-key lighting. In saw 5 the low key lighting was used in a opening scene. I want to use low key lighting in this instance to create shadows and increase tension, Making the audience anxious on what is going to happen next. It will keep the audience wondering and interested wanting more than just a short clip. I will also include other lighting like back lighting for e.g. To provide different light sources. So the audience can actually see whats going on and not just see pitch black.

I also want to use hidden identity, I gathered that idea from strangers hidden identity creates mystery and much more suspense. This is conventional to a typical thriller as thrillers use hidden identity for the audience to be more interested in the film. and to make it more shocking. That is why it has inspired me to add this to my thriller clip, so it will be mysterious and keep the audience watching.

My narrative idea is that some girls are having a sleepover, and an uninvited guest shows up - the girl nobody likes. Her face is hidden to create mystery. But the girls have no choice but to let her in. In this part I want to camera to close up on different parts of the girls costume to get a feel for who she is, so the audience can connect to her. During this I also want to show the girls inside consulting whether they should let her in and the girl outside (jump shot). After all the sleepover excitement the girls go to bed turn off the lights put on the lamp to create low-key lighting. Then strange things start to happen to each character. The uninvited girl is accused if this because of her scary looks. But It appears to be a different character doing this, this will be surprising and shocking for the audience. I want to include establishing shots, panning, POV shots, all to make my clip more realistic.

I also want to include high shots to show all the characters and there surroundings. I also want to create tension before the lights go off, to again create mystery. I will also include iconography such as costumes/make up all the girls in bright clothing except for unknown character. And props like knifes. Also scary make up for uninvited girl and fake blood, cuts. All to make my thriller much more realistic. In my thriller I am going to give in the 15 rating because it may include strong language, dangerous behavior and violence which is not suitable for people aged below 15.

By Blessing Dada


  1. This post demonstrates a good understanding of the thriller codes and conventions and this is evident through the inspirations that you have included above. Aim to include screenshots to support the points that you have made.

    You have started to describe your individual idea, but you need to ensure that you have considered the opening sequence in further detail, as you have only focused upon the micro elements.

  2. This post now demonstrates further planning techniques and this is because you have started to consider your opening sequence in further detail.

    How will you share this with your group?
