
Monday 30 September 2013

Research age certificates and the BBFC - Miss georgiou

       Research into age certificates

The BBFC examine films and videos before they are put out, by adding age certificates. Age certificates are put in place to protect children and the viewer. So they have an idea of what type of content is going to be in the film before watching it. Contents like sexual references, strong language etc. They look at things such as 'discrimination, drugs, horror, danger, easily imitable behaviour, language, nudity, sex and violence when deciding on there age rating decision.The same process is put onto DVDs and Blu-ray.

Age certificate ratings

Films with this rating are only to be seen by adults, and no-one below that age. You have to be 18 or over to watch the film in cinema, or buy it/rent it.

As you can see the bullet points. Those are the type of strong issues shown in 18 age certificates.
There is no limit on strong language in this age certificate, this is usually associated with strong violence. there can be racist, homophobic or other discriminatory. There can be strong and detailer portrayals including full nudity. Sex works and sexual education may also be in these films. you can have strong violence, and drugs are sometimes shown.

Sin city is an e.g of a 18 film, it is 18 rated as it contains strong bloody violence.

15 age rating films are stronger than 12A/12 movies. Sexual violence must be discrete or verbal, It can have strong violence. Sexual activity can be portrayed as long as there isn't strong or graphic detail. There can also be strong language. Drugs can also be shown but not be promoted or shown as positive.

The break up is a example of a 15 rated movie. It contained scenes of nudity. Strong language was also displayed.

Age 12A means anyone over the age of 12 can watch the film unaccompanied. 12A Is only for the cinema, Age 12 is just for DVDs, blu-rays or videos. Some horror films are in this category, but they are very moderate and not very frequent disturbing scenes. 12A/12 Films can only include verbal sex references, as the films have to be okay for young teens. Strong language can be in these age ratings but it has to be infrequent. moderate violence is allowed but It should not be carried on. Dangerous scenes should only be referred to.

Grown ups is an example of a 12 rated movie. It contains sex references.

Not all PG Certificates are aimed at children. " PG works can explore challenging issues such as domestic violence, bereavement or racism." References to sex are acceptable, If a child is unable to understand which is usually used in comedic situations in PG Films.There should be no detail of violence in PG Films.Potential dangerous behavior that children may copy are not allowed in PG films. There may be references to drugs but the message should be saying anti-drugs to children/educationally.

Kung Fu panda 1&2 is an example of a PG rated film as it does not include dangerous behaviour. It also doesn't send bad messages to children.

There can be references to drugs but must show an anti-drugs/educational message. Not all U films are aimed at children but they just have to be suitable for them. May include brief fight scenes like villain/superhero but not violence or actual horror. U works can contain hugging/kissing or references to i.e. making love but nothing beyond that. They contain very mild bad language like 'hell' or 'damn'. Works for under 4's still have the U rating but they are given special bbfc insight stating that they are suitable for pre-school children. U means universal, Saying its suitable for everyone aged 4 or over.

Epic and happy feet are examples of a U rated movie. Epic contained very mild language, which are suitable for very young children.

My thriller age certificate will be 12A as there isn't going to be any violent scenes. The murder scene is not going to be shown only referred to. So it will be moderate and not have frequent disturbing scenes. My thriller narrative is suitable for persons 12 and over.

There can be references to

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of what age certificate are and their purpose within the film industry. You have identified the correct certificates, but you need to ensure that you have referenced you research.

    Within each age certificate, you also need to refer your points to various examples, to demonstrate further understanding of the age certificates and the role of the BBFC.

    Finally, you need to explain what age certificate your thriller will be and why, by relating back to your narrative in more detail
