
Monday 21 October 2013

Group Narrative - Miss Georgiou

A narrative is a spoken or written account of connected events; a story. The purpose of a narrative is to tell a story to the audience and to gain and hold the viewers interest; narratives are also used to entertain the audience.

My group and I sat down and discussed our ideas for a thriller film. We then explained to one another what we think the audience would like to watch, who our target market is for the film, How explicit our individual ideas for a thriller would be and the rating we would probably put on our ideas for a thriller. We did also talk about different themes and conventions that would be in our thriller ideas such as Hidden identity, low-key lighting etc. We then talked and said the strong points in each of our thrillers. This then allowed us to see which one would be the best idea for us more to actually film.

Group Member 1 - Blessing Dada

My narrative is going to include a main character who is the mysterious character and other characters that are all very similar. The story is that the myterious girl turns up to a sleepover that she's not invited to. The other girls and apprehensive about letting her in, but in the end they are forced to accept her in.

At first they are having fun, everything is fine. Then it gets to the time when the girls have to sleep the lighting becomes dark (dark setting, low-key lighting) To create suspense. And music starts playing to create tension. Then things start to happen, and the uninvited guest is accused of doing all these strange things but It turns out not to actually be her. So a turn in the plot will be shocking and suprising to the audience.
Group Member 2 - James Craddock
My narrative is going to consist of two completely different characters that end up in the same situation and have to find a way out of trouble. My idea is going to show how different peoples abilities can work together to save not just their own lives but those of others as well.
Some advantages of my narrative would be that it includes a hidden identity, this is going to create tension and suspense for the audience as the film progresses. The narrative is going to be based on the two known characters and the one mysterious character that the audience do not know. One disadvantage to the narrative is that the use of the hidden identity may be used in many other films as it is a key convention to a thriller film. 
Group Member 3 - Ellie Holt
For my idea I wanted it to be based on a troubled young child, who believes he hears voices in his head but his family think his making it up, this then leads to the death of the child. But the murder is unsolved as it is not a suicide killing. So the family begin to research into the child things to resolve the murder, and see weather he did hear voices in his head or it was a ghost.

The advantages of this narrative is that it involves hidden identity, as the audience are unaware to what has killed the child. Also the narrative being based on a young child will cause the audience to engage as they could usually relate, also feel vulnerable for the child. The disadvantages of this narrative is that it is stereotypical for a child to hear voices, as this is what would usually be what happens in a film not an adult, meaning the audience will feel like they have seen it before.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates basic planning techniques and this is because you have not evaluated the individual planning ideas from each group member, so it is difficult to see the discussions that you and your group had. Also how did you discuss the group narrative, where did your inspirations come from?

    What narrative theory, will your thriller follow and why?
