
Thursday 24 October 2013

Target Audience Results - Miss Miller

The research was carried out to find out what type of target audience our thriller film is going to fit well with. These results will help us to create our opening scene by finding out things like the type of characters - so It suits the target audience and so they can relate to the character/narrative. Our questionnaire will also help us to know what type of sounds they would like to hear in the thrillers.
The questionnaire results will help us create the opening scene by knowing what the majority of people want, so we can then produce a opening scene that people will actually like to see and be entertained by.

In this question 60% of people were 18+, 25% were 15-17 and the smallest amount we interviewed were 12-14 at 15%. The majority of our people interviewed were either 18+ or 15-17, so this helped my group and I decide to make our rating for our opening scene as 15. So that all the answers from the other questions would be aimed towards those two age group options. But I will decide this age rating after seeing the next question.

Most people answered that they would like to see 18 movies the most at 53%, 15 rating was 35% and 12 was 12%. Even though the majority of people chose 18 thrillers. I want to do a 15 rated thriller, simply because we can have a larger audience by doing this, instead of restricting it to 18+. Also, It would be harder to produce a 18 age certificate movie for us as it would require much more gore and suspense. And we don't have all the equipment and special effects to do this.
As thrillers are mostly watched by males we did most of our research/questionnaires towards them, as the market of thrillers is aimed at men. This helped us to think more into the narrative to try and make it relate to a man's position. To make him feel terrified and on the edge of his seat. After this question I have realised that our thriller is going to be aimed at men mainly, but then also have scenes that woman can relate to, as woman watch thrillers too.

Majority of people said that the would want to see hidden identity (55%) Hidden identity creates enigma(mystery) So this tells us that the audience like to be surprised and shocks. And they want it to create suspense, and to most probably keep them guessing and interested in the thriller- going to definitely include the theme of hidden identity. 23% said chase scene, as we know that the chase scene is adrenaline rushing and exciting. That's why we are also planning on including the chase scene in our opening scene. To back the audience nervy and scared.

Most people said they would expect to see a murder, 30% of people said they would expect to see a victim, and the rest said either kidnap or other. In my own opening scene of a thriller I am going to include a villain and a victim to show the connotations of evil and good, also because It's just what you expect to see and it's typical in the thriller genre. I will also include a murder in the opening scene focusing on costume and make-up in this scene for more realism. And for the audience to be terrified and anxious by the goriness. I won't be including a kidnap as that's not the story of our narrative.

Most people said they do like sequels (65%) and (35%) said they don't like sequels. We are going to make our thriller a cliff hanger so the audience don't feel like the film is over, and then want to see a very good continuation of the dramatic narrative.

The distribution of answers to this question are not one over the other, they are all very similar. So I have decided that we will most probably decide for ourselves which sound fits each scene best, with these different types of sounds in mind (suspense sound, tension building sound etc) All to entertain and scare the audience.

45% victims, 25% heroes, 15% murderer and 15% other. I am going to include all these characters in my thriller as It is possible. But in my opening scene I'm not exactly sure if the hero will be shown that soon on or not. This is because I don't want to remove enigma for the audience, and don't want it to be too conventional to a typical thriller that quickly, everything happening in the opening scene. And in the opening scene I want a murder to happen, so I could possibly have the hero attempt to save the victim, or come at the wrong time. But the hero would not be the hero in the opening scene, due to the plot taking place too quickly.

It was quite surprising that are results showed that only 25% wanted celebrity actors in thriller films. The majority wanted random people or someone there ages. I realised that this was most likely because they themselves can relate to the character and possibly form a emotional relationship with them. This is why I want to use a random person or someone similar to our audience's age.

50% of people chose a dark location, A dark location creates tension, suspense and shock. We can easily accomplish dark lighting/low-key lighting, so we will incorporate this in the thriller. Also, we will choose from either the busy location or isolate location. But the isolated location got a higher percentage of 25%. But It just depends on if we can find a isolated location to shoot at, If we did it wouldn't be a house it would have to be somewhere like a forest, park etc. 

The sub genre options for this question were crime, horror, rom-com, sci-fi, gangster and action. The top two were crime and horror. So we have taken it in mind to include either a investigation, full of twist and turns and mystery, or a very scary deep story to terrify the audience(horror). But as they had the highest percentages of 35% and 15% I feel they are the most suitable for the audience to watch and to produce.

All the answers for this question were equal, so we decided and did a estimated guess on the narrative our audience would like. A cliff hanger, a cliff hanger would be suitable as we want it to be turned into sequels and for that to happen a good cliff hanger needs to be in place; making the audience want to see more.

The last question was 'what would you like the purpose to be?' A huge amount of 70% said that they feel that the purpose of a thriller is to scare the audience. Which is true, 15% said to educate. Whilst the 10% entertain and a low 5% said to inform. I want to scare the audience and that is my goal for the thriller to really make the audience scared by a fictional movie, by using different conventions and methods.

One of the open questions carried out was what characters would you like to see in a thriller and why. The answers we received were mostly about victims, saying that they want to see victims because they create a sense of empathy and make them feel sorry for the victim. Also another open answer we got was really helpful, is why they want a hero. One said 'I want a hero in a thriller because I get scared very easily, and need a character to feel as if they can stop the gory scene' This helped me know that before the hero enters the scene tension needs to be increased to make the audience trust in the hero to save the day/the victim.

I really found a lot of things useful in this research, the gender and age groups/certificates really helped me decide on my age certificate by doing this I have a guideline of some of the things I can and can't include in my thriller. I also found all the questions relating to the narrative of my thriller useful as it allowed me to alter some of my narrative to fit what my audience want, to scare them. I will incorporate my results into my opening scene by breaking it down into a spider diagram/plan with all the majority answers, as this questionnaire allowed me to condense information down into choices for the audience. So this has given me a guide to what I need to include, to not then include everything that can be in a thriller. If I had to carry out this research again I would have questioned a lot more people in different areas the increase the validity of my results. I would have also tried to do equal amounts of questioning on female and male, as It would of made my results a lot more reliable.

(Click on the hyperlinks below to be directed to my vox pops questionnaire or questionnaire results)

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a detailed explanation of the purpose of your research and analysed your results in depth, explaining what you have found and what this implies for your sequence for most of them. Include a copy of your questionnaire and attach your vox pops properly

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Include a copy of your questionnaire/vox pops
    2) Read through and double check spelling, grammar etc.
    3) Make sure you have analysed all your results using PEER
