
Thursday 13 February 2014

AS Thriller Evaluation

For this project our brief was to produce a 2 minute thriller opening including certain micro elements to get a reaction from our target audience. We also had to carry out primary and secondary research to help us create this thriller. 

The group members were Ellie Holt and I. For this project to work we had to allocate roles to each member so every area of the film would be finished.

Some of the roles involved were:

Costume/Make up designer - The reason this role is there was to create the characters and make sure the scene is balanced with texture and color. Their job mainly included tasks such as planning outfits for each actor to create contrast and connotations(more meanings).

Continuity director - Making sure everything was in the right place so it linked and made sense.
Actors - To display emotion and form a connection with the audience. Making the story line come alive. 
Director of photography - Has management over the camera and films all the footage.
Producer - The producer has to  prepare and then supervise the making of a film before presenting the product to a financing entity or a film distributor. 
Editor - Film editing is part of the creative post-production process of filmmaking. The film editor works with the raw footage, choosing shots and linking them into sequences to create a finished motion picture.
Management of sound - They choose and select the sound that will be included in the production. 
Director - They work alongside the director of photography and are in control of the filming.
Script writer - They have to write a clear script for the actors and all other members to follow. They also have to include actions, props and stage directions. 

My role was the director of photography, director, producer and editor. For these allocated roles I was responsible for producing artistic and technical decisions. I also had to create an overall vision for the film and I was responsible for directing the shooting timetable and meeting deadlines. As the producer I had to prepare and supervise the making of the film. Finally for the editing I had to use Final Cut Pro and link chosen shots, add credits/titles and make sure the film was clean and finished. By doing this role I learnt that to create a successful thriller film you can't do everything on your own you have to work in a team no matter how well you think you can cope. As I'm quite an independent person it's hard for me to work in a group and accept everyone's ideas and plans. And I tend to  feel as if i can do it alone. These roles I took on were very long, time consuming and stressful for one person to do alone. And took focus off of my other alevel subjects. So I learnt that teamwork is key in film production.

We had an extra team member but he dropped the subject. Mainly due to the lack of communication our group had. Which caused us to produce a less qualitative film than our peers. Our group didn't work very well together at the beginning but towards the end we all came together as a team and put in the most we could. Due to us not acting like a team in the beginning, we always fell behind and failed to meet deadlines and work. 

No, I don't think we made a successful film. I think we made an okay film but it could of been a lot better. 

As seen from our feedback, the camera was too shaky, the narrative had potential but the motion pictures didn't tell a story. This made it confusing for the audience. A confusing film means a bad film. So I feel that we over did some conventions to create effect (jerky handheld camera to display umsteadyness and by using no speech we were trying to create a mysterious impact) but the overuse of these conventions caused confusion. Therefore, I do not feel like we made a successful thriller.

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