
Wednesday 12 February 2014

Target audience feedback on final thriller - Miss Georgiou

In this post I will be discussing the need for audience feedback and analyzing how receiving audience feedback had an impact on the production of the film.

Audience feedback is important as it allows you to see your project/work from another perspective and focus on areas your audience think you need to work on to adjust it and make improvements.
 We received audience feedback through questionnaires.


I also received feedback from family and friends that I let watch the rough cut to give me opinions on it. This feedback would benefit my production by allowing me to make improvements in specific areas, reducing the amount of criticism and increasing audience enjoyment. It also helped our production to know what type of narrative our audience like and learn more about our target audience for future purposes. But the benefit it had for us was that we knew specifically what to change to produce a better opening scene to satisfy our audience.

Three positive comments

  • Interesting Narrative
  • Low-key lighting
  • Use of sound effects
            Low key lighting

The positive comments were some of the aims we wanted to produce from our thriller. A unique narrative that intrigues the audience whilst maintaining suspense through the use of low-key lighting. We focused a lot on sound as sound can impact the other micro-elements of the film. So we got the sound from freesound.com and got sound that reflected our scenes best and made the frames scary/tense. 

Three negative comments
  • Camera was too unsteady
  • More cinematography needed for a variety of distance
  • Very confusing/no clarity of story line
The negative comments were very eye opening. As when you produce a film and your team all focus on the positive you start to lose site on the negative of the film. As we the team understand the story line and understand the story we are trying to show our audience. But this feedback gave me another perspective which was annoying as we worked quite hard and thought we produced a clear rough cut. However, we ended up just confusing our audience which is never good. So this allowed me to see another view point to know what to include in our opening scene so it will make more sense to our audience and have 'clarity'.

Also, I may have got carried away with the jerky handheld movement as I was trying to create a theme and impact making the killer seem somewhat 'unsteady'. But the jerky handheld just made the motion pictures unclear for the audience as well. This is was not good. So re-filming was the best solution for this feedback.

I feel like we used a lot of different distances, but we could include some more.

To conclude, I feel that I have followed the aims of the brief by creating the 2 minute thriller film. As I  made the titles/credits and opening two minutes of a thriller movie. All was produced by us with the exception of copyright free music, I carried out research and advertising for our movie by using blogs. However, I didn't film audience focus groups to find out there wants and needs for a movie. But I think I followed the brief.

1 comment:

  1. This demonstrates a proficient understanding of why audience feedback is essential to carry out and it is clear to see some of the feedback that you received. However, you need to expand on the points that you have included, by including a reflection and comments, about what changes you will make and why?
