
Wednesday 12 February 2014

Thriller Comparison - Miss Georgiou

I think I haven't completed a successful thriller but I think it is a decent thriller sequence. I think it wasn't successful because my sequence lacked consistency. Even though the sequence included the appropriate conventions in a opening thriller scene, it lacked clarity due to a less thought out narrative; very improvised.

I think that the main micro-element that expressed our creativity and understanding of thriller conventions the most was the sound. On our audience feedback we were told that our sound was one of our strong points as it created the sense of a eerie and tense atmosphere.

Young girl screaming sound included in our thriller. Click here.
Eerie sound included in our thriller. Click here.

Comparing my opening sequence to the successful thriller 'Halloween' 1978. We see that our thriller is conventional to this thriller due to inspiration, I feel that we carried out the correct conventions.

Firstly, In the narrative of Halloween the killer in the opening scene's identity is hidden, hidden identity is one of the themes displayed in the narrative.

Also in the narrative young people are used in a mysterious narrative similar to my own thriller opening. Representation of characters in Halloween displays that anyone can be the antagonist and it tries to drive away from the conventional murderer we tend to think of (middle aged white male) and instead uses a cute little boy, brother even, to display the character. This impacts one of the three S's shock/surprise. In my own thriller I used a family member as well for the antagonist, this creates confusion for the audience on why the killer would murder a 'loved one'.

 My sounds were very much inspired by a lot of things I watched/read in the thriller genre. However, Halloween used sounds such as children's sounds, natural noises (dog barking), dialogue and eerie high pitched sounds. That is also what I included, I included eerie high pitched sound, wind sounds, girl screaming sounds, police siren sounds, dialogue to make my thriller more realistic. My sounds were both a mixture of diegetic and non-diegetic sound.

Halloween used three main editing techniques wipe, jump cut and fast cutting. In my own thriller I used fade, jump cut and fast cutting. The reason I used these editing techniques are because they created more of an impact on the scene making it more conventional to the audience. For example, I used a jump cut to display an abrupt jump in time, this jump in time was connected to the scene the audience want revealed most. As it increased pace and was good to reveal a mystery scene. Making it conventional to the thriller genre.

Evidence of fade in my thriller opening

Wipe used in Halloween film opening

To conclude, by doing this analysis I realized that my thriller is very similar based on conventions and the use of micro-elements.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of the micro elements that you used in your production and how it is similar to another successful thriller. The screenshots that you have included, also helps to support the points that you have made.
